There are three tiers of local Government, each with different responsibilities.

The Town Council works with Breckland District Council and Norfolk County Council 

Latest News 

Full Council Meetings

Residents are welcome to attend or you can try watching the meeting which is live streamed on YouTube.

Bridle Road Play Area

The Town Council is currently making improvements to the Bridle Road Play Area. The plan is to re-locate the pump track mounds so they are more user friendly and to install the basketball hoops/goals removed from Lovell Gardens Play Area.

This work is likely to be ongoing for a while and no finish date can be given at present, but it is envisaged the equipment will be installed soon. Hopefully, there will be little, if any, disruption to the use of the Play Area and more and better facilities will be available when all is complete.

To help with general grounds maintenance we have been lucky to have help from volunteers to clear some of the overgrowth along the north and east boundaries of the play area site. As part of this lots of bulbs have been planted, so look out for the spring time flowers which should pop up.

Town Mayor 2024/25

Councillor Don Saunders was elected as the Chairman and Town Mayor of Watton Town Council for the year 2024/25. Don’s charities for his term are the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme at Wayland Academy and the Thursday morning Watton Family Group at the Charlotte Harvey Trust building.

Councillor Gillian Turrant was elected as Vice Chairman of Watton Town Council for the year 2024/25

Emergency Contacts – A list of useful contacts in case of an emergency see  link: Be better prepared for any emergencies