Meeting Dates 23-24

Finance Committee Meetings are usually held on a Thursday following the first Town Council meeting of the month.

Full Town Council meetings are usually held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month, starting at 7.00pm:



If you would like to speak at a Town Council meeting please contact the Town Council office prior to the meeting date.  Agendas for meetings are posted on the website and in the notice board outside Wayland Hall, usually the Wednesday before the meeting.

At each Town Council meeting there is a 15 minute slot on the agenda for Public Participation when members of the public are invited to address the Council. This 15 minutes can be extended at the discretion of the Chairman, which is why we ask that anyone wishing to speak contacts the Office first so the Chairman can consider whether any extension may be necessary. Members of the public are not usually permitted to speak at any other time in the meeting and thus are asked to stay muted at virtual meetings (as do Councillors) unless invited to speak.