
You can view your Councillors Register of Interests on the Breckland District Council website 

  Councillor Email Addresses
1. BISHOP Peter [email protected]
2. BRIDGES Tony [email protected]
3. CRUZ Tina [email protected]
4. GILBERT Keith [email protected]
5. HEBBORN Stan [email protected]
6. HEBBORN Sue [email protected]
7. HUTCHINGS Tomos [email protected]
8. KIDDELL Tina [email protected]
9. MARTIN Graham [email protected]
10. PRINCE Keith [email protected]

(Chairman/Town Mayor)

[email protected]
12. STALLARD Kathryn [email protected]
13. TURLEY-LONG Catherine [email protected]
14. TURLEY-LONG Steve [email protected]
15. TURRANT Gillian

(Vice Chairman)

[email protected]


You can view the attendance list for Councillors below

Councillors Attendance 23.24

Councillors Attendance 22.23

Councillors Attendance 21.22



You can view members of Committees, Working Groups, Representatives and Lead Councillors below

HR Committee Peter Bishop

Gillian Turrant

Don Saunders

Stan Hebborn (Chairman of HR)

Sue Hebborn as reserve

Finance Committee Peter Bishop

Kathryn Stallard (Chairman of Finance)

Don Saunders

Stan Hebborn (As Chairman of HR)

Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Graham Martin

Keith Gilbert

Kathryn Stallard

Church Walk Working Group Kathryn Stallard

Keith Gilbert

Peter Bishop

Tomos Hutchings

Graham Martin

Cemetery Working Group All Town Councillors
Market Working Group Tomos Hutchings

Tina Cruz

Museum4Watton Working Group Kathryn Stallard

Tomos Hutchings

Peter Bishop

Gillian Turrant

Sports Centre Working Group Tina Kiddell

Tina Cruz

Loch Neaton Working Group Peter Bishop

Kathryn Stallard

Keith Gilbert

Tina Kiddell

Tina Cruz

Heritage Park Working Group Peter Bishop

Stan Hebborn

Sue Hebborn

Graham Martin

Tony Bridges


Chamber of Commerce

Mens Shed

SNAP Meetings

Watton Sports Centre

Air Cadets

RAF Watton Families Club

Wayland Partnership


Stan Hebborn

Graham Martin

Gillian Turrant

Tina Kiddell

Tony Bridges

Stan Hebborn

Don Saunders

Lead Councillors


Breckland Council


Don Saunders

Don Saunders


Cemetery & Grounds Maintenance

Fireworks Event

Festive Market

Bike Event

Antiques Event


Social Welfare


Provision for the Elderly

Youth Provision

Emergency Plan

Keith Gilbert

Peter Bishop

Stan Hebborn

Gillian Turrant and Kathryn Stallard

Tina Kiddell

Tina Kiddell

Kathryn Stallard

Don Saunders

Keith Gilbert

Kathryn Stallard

Tony Bridges